Local businesses and organizations will hand out free candy, and the center will be decorated throughout with a Halloween theme.
The event runs from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No one will be admitted before 6 p.m., and no pets are allowed. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Admission is $1 per person; proceeds will benefit local charities.
Halloween at the Hatchery is TFFC's way of giving East Texas families a safe place to go trick-or-treating while raising money for local causes. The Anglers Pavilion will be the site of a fright-free area featuring prize and game booths for small children. Parents wishing to visit this area should park in the overflow parking lot on Peninsula Point Road and enter through Gate C.
For more information about Halloween at the Hatchery, please click here.
Halloween is a perfect time to organize corporate events and throw parties. Almost everybody out there loved to celebrate and enjoy at Halloween and to make this festive season more fun, company party is a great idea.